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Epigenomics and Health Disparities Symposium (2017)

Date: Monday, October 2, 2017, 12:30pm to 6:00pm

Location:  Joseph B. Martin Conference Center, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02115


October 2, 2017


How Disadvantage Gets “Under the Skin”: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Using Epigenomic Methods to Better Understand and Address Health Disparities


A forum of the Harvard Catalyst Health Disparities Research Program

Health disparities in the U.S. are produced not only through unequal treatment within the healthcare system, but also through systematic disadvantage, inequality, and disproportionate exposures to toxic physical and social environments, all of which often lead to increased risk of many diseases—including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and mental illness, among others. Recent advances in environmental epigenomics have allowed researchers to gain tremendous insights into several mechanisms through which gene function and regulation are sensitive to influence from diverse socio-economic factors and physical environments. Epigenomics as a field may offer valuable insights into the actual biological mechanisms through which health disparities are established and perpetuated. This potential, however, has not been rigorously explored.


Aimed at further exploring some of these critical issues, this symposium brought together leading national and international experts in epigenetics, genetics, health disparities, medicine, epidemiology, anthropology, and environmental health sciences to explore and discuss emerging methods in epigenomics research and how these might be applied most creatively to advance the goals of reducing health disparities and improving population health. Sponsored by the Harvard Catalyst Health Disparities Research Program, this symposium included interdisciplinary panels covering: (1) novel and emerging techniques and methods in epigenomics and gene-environment research; (2) emerging research on the associations of psychosocial and environmental stressors with epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation; and (3) perspectives from fields outside of epigenomics on how advances in epigenomics research can be best used to address persistent health disparities.


This effort led the way for interdisciplinary relationships, collaborations, shared resources, pilot grants, and larger grants. Specifically, this symposium disseminated information and promoted new collaborations intended to make possible the development of groundbreaking research and advances at the intersection of health disparities research and epigenomics research.

Recordings of the panels are linked below. 


View Full Agenda


Panel I: Emerging issues in the measurement & analysis of epigenomic data, particularly with regard to addressing health disparities
Andrea Baccarelli, MD, PhD, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health (Moderator)


Panel II: Epigenomic signals in relation to social and environmental influences
Alexandra E. Shields, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School (Moderator)

Panel III: Transdisciplinary roundtable 
Evelynn Hammonds, PhD, Harvard University (Moderator)

  • Epigenomics & Environmental Health (Andrea Baccarelli, MD, PhD, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health)

  • Distributive Justice (Norman Daniels, PhD, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)

  • Psychiatry&Neuroscience(Steven Hyman, MD, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)

  • Sociology (Michèle Lamont, PhD, Harvard University)

  • Health Policy & Disparities Research (Alexandra E. Shields, PhD, Mass. General Hospital & Harvard Medical School)

Break-out sessions & reporting back

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